quarta-feira, 29 de abril de 2015

Monogamous Effects of a Monosyllabic Sex

First and before anything, due to the sedimentation of this issue, I would like to make clear that I’ve got conscience that common sense bases do no provide conditions to wonder about this argument. In the meantime, I truly hope one can take it as an idea, or at least as an inspiration.

Said that…   

Here in England, we have started to see TV ads about some internet sites where you can create a personal profile that can be matched across other compatible ones through automatic search, so it can find you a perfect date. One of these ads even has a catch phrase that it says: ‘being single is amazing so if you want to give up this life it’s got to be for the perfect person’. More or less that.

Then, it reminded me a coffee I had with a same age of mine friend some time ago when she was telling me she had met a guy in a pub to whom, after a couple of diners, she finally had sex for the first time and also for last one. Even though the words used by her to describe him was ‘he was a nice guy’, the sentence was followed right the way by the expected ‘but’. In this case to reveal that he had a small penis. She thought that in a day after day basis kind of living it could raise some issue regarding… satisfaction.

Values and judgements apart, what really popped up as evident for me was the huge amount of extra pressure upon the already hard task of finding someone. In fact, as for most of the people monogamy is mandatory. Sex plays an enormous part in this searching as much as it causes a large shadow over the crusades for a relationship.

Being in a relationship is being in a constant trading between the unique universe of this two people, between distinct pasts and experiences, as much as all that come along with it. Plus, seeking sexual satisfaction of one with another. It all seems to me very dangerous and explosive! As it wasn’t enough all the organization and structure issues that two strangers have to balance to live together, plus the physique dramas – ‘you don’t see me’ or ‘you don’t listen to me’, there is also the biorhythm and the sexual appetite of each one to conjugate! 

Perhaps, sex is the biggest taboo faced by every person. An ocean of contradicted emotions running free from a conscience, varying from a romantic embrace to a mere reaching of an orgasm or yet, all can start with a French kisses and end up with the most primary frictions either sadistic or masochist.

Considering that two people have to deal with how they see and feel the external world, as they grow old, having to face over and over again the need to change, to re-adapt to their internal world, which obviously affects how they feel and understand satisfaction, I must say: it all seems a huge endless battle of interests.

People live sex in a variety of ways. Yet, regarding such taboo, it is an issue always outlined when we are defining our predicates. Do you get it? What I mean is, when we are chatting, we say I love travelling or I like playing football or I am an engineer, so far so on. But it is required lots of champagne cocktail among a very small selected group of friends, in a lower ton of voice, in order to almost to confess if we prefer to be on top or on the bottom, or if we enjoy it more rough or gently, anyway.              

Meanwhile, along the day, we are involuntarily bombed by sexual stimulation and response! Notice: what we wear and how we do take care of our look are indeed the rules of this ‘game’. We do have our attention stolen when a good looking person crosses our path and sometimes all it takes is a fragrance. Not mentioning the innuendos! Quite surely often in conversations, someone, at a certain point, brought it on, spur the ‘filthy pig’ sex in! Freud truly got some around…
So, imagine one around its 40’s today who got married at its 30’s and finally is finding him/herself sexually. I mean, its own rhythm, what really turns him/her on, what truly gives to its life an organic balance. Now, add the spouse in the picture, who either found its own interests but in opposite way or yet, haven’t found at all. Locked in a life surrounded by a taboo that keeps sexual behaviour outside their conversations, what are the odds to a couple saving its family in a medium long term?  

The thought of two people, who assumed a commitment for life, after nine or thirteen years have sex to each other not because they are feeling attracted but because they have no option, as hormones do not understand arrangements, is terrifying! It is a legal passive mutilation to its own spirit and much more! There is something quite subversive in this, as in my point of view, the whole mechanics of this turns the wonders of the ‘Empire of Senses’, which is making love to someone, into a ‘Deep Thought’, a mere genital experience, the same most everybody around condemns in a life of a single one. That pig!

Having sex works as an energetic repository to our bodies. There are ‘zilions’ of articles through internet showing researches results revealing its benefits, as much as the consequences of the lack of it.

On the top of everything, people are not used to really think or listening to themselves and much less to others. Sooner, in a relationship cycle, complaints will get started followed by a despair leaded by a thin sense of misunderstood or not being well seen, culminating in only one normal common conclusion: The spouse is guilty.  

Readers, questioning monogamy is not promoting orgies or promiscuous sex behaviour, but only a revaluation of how we see things and how they truly impact our lives at the present and perhaps, break up a taboo. 

That has been my eternal fight against to this static-archaic-Victorian view. In a long term perspective, it does more harm than good to those who swore to be together for life. When a value or a vow lapidates, locks in, or modulates an incontrollable and involuntary energy causing profound disinterest, and sometimes even a burden, forcing such endeavour to two no more compatible souls to keep a physical act, costing their inner happiness, they are cursed to risk keeping their partnership only wasting what can come out of that.     

Sex for… humans is vital to mental balance and it doesn’t have to be synchronized to any emotion but only sensations. Flirting, attraction, and ‘quick ones’ do make us feel alive, young, and healthy. It is simple as that and it is just not right to keep questioning its functionality by arguing that it belongs to more animal side of our nature, like opposing the fact we do have a conscience, which was supposed to take care of it. But the thing is that one does not invalidate the other, in fact, one improves how to use the other ;).

Monogamy should be a state of mind and it is a beautiful one and I even dare to say that most of people wishes this state lasts forever and for me, if does, great! Fireworks! As long as everybody is happy and psychologically balanced, cool. The problem for me is that society has clearly been living lies. The percentage of people having extra conjugal affairs is high! The percentage of man married over 15 years having erectile dysfunction is also high. No one wants to live merged into lies or sleeping next someone we no longer fully trust. If monogamy makes you lie in order to not lose the things you really treasure, then it cannot be good at all. Besides, a lie put on perspective all which has been true.

All I know is there are lots of families where you can see real love falling apart for an idea. Two people crossing life together for years and years facing huge challenges, conquering amazing levels, sharing so many truthful emotions but half-blinded like a gothic old construction which all the arcades are strategically supported over one point.

The modern man has new problems and lives longer so he needs to labour more. However, he does not seem to fully understand his nature, his era, his generation and much less the point of evolution he is in history itself.

You, loving is one thing and having sex is another. They do not demand a synchronized event but when combined is amazing! Individually, even better and full of particular different interests! Think about it, talk about it, and do questions, researching, make theories up, whatever that can rip off with the ‘syphilization’ culture left upon us. After all, there are lots of antibiotics for that!

I wish you all a have nice week free from taboos.

Eduardo Divério.

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