quarta-feira, 29 de abril de 2015

Behold The Mystery of Faith...

A very old friend of mine felt sorry for me this week on the fact I have lost my faith on the Catholic God. It is true that I have been baptised and I even did my confirmation when I was about seventeen. Actually, the same very age I met the referred friend. Back in that time, I used to be a humble fearful servant to the love of God having a very strong relationship with the Church. Even more ironically is the fact that I was the one reuniting my friend to… faith.  

Over twenty years later, there isn't the most vaguely shadow of that boy in the man I am today. However, for those who are used to follow my blog, there are lots of clues and remains of my childhood along the texts pointing this out. Freud and Yung aside, where exactly the adult version of me has turned the back to religion in general?

Religion should be a reference, some sort of guidance for a high spiritual behaviour narrowing the path towards God. Meanwhile, in a planet figuring over seven billions of souls facing serious health issues, populated by shallow values, consuming societies, and full of ego-dystonic communities, it doesn't seem to me that prays and novenas – like ever – have been making a better race of humans or a better world. Even worse is the thought that it may only do better for life in a very, very individual way.

Statistically, people become more religious and grow in faith as the age grows. In other words, when they realize that the mystic and mysterious ending is getting closer, some king of ‘celestial benefits’ or some sort of heaven policy must be arranged in order to assure the access to the other side. Now, I know I am being quite harsh to the authentic religious people but I am just building up an argument.

Looking back to History before Christians, over 2000 years ago, when the Roman Empire had spread its doctrine during centuries for the vast areas between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans and, before them, for more over 3000 year, in the Egypt, fathers had taught their sons through generations and generations to venerate their kings as gods, I wonder: 3000 years are seriously a lot of years, G! At least 1000 more than Catholicism… and for as long as it was, legacies and societies were raised up, lived, and died upon those beliefs. And even though they surely lived their religion experiences in a much more profound and dedicated way than we live ours nowadays, some of their gods can be seen at the British Museum and not just only that, we also learn about them in school, like we do with algebra or geography but contextualized as mythology.        

Somehow, it became clear to me that in the future, when the Earth’s core has been moved or twisted around and the whole urban architectures as we know have been under snow, somewhere in the Caribbean islands, people will be teaching about the Catholic Mythology and its deep impact into the socio-economics-politic development of that era.

Yet, looking over the human evolution, from the wheel invention, from the fire discovery to the historic journey of Casini spaceship to Saturn, or even about storms and cataclysm, plagues and inexplicable diseases, how could we have survived without a god?
It is notorious for me that almost 6000 years later to the writing invention, whereby we still have gods with elephant heads in the most populated nation in the world, that man still hasn't learnt what are God’s wishes, nor even strength faith itself. Well, the most Italian heritage that could still remaining in the Catholicism, nowadays, is the ability to commit some sinful indiscretion. Just in case we might have nothing to confess next Sunday…

I always have in consideration that when my mother studied chemistry in the 50´s, a half dozen of metals or gazes had not yet been catalogued. In fact, we don’t have to go back in time that far! The periodic table that I used when I was in school in the 80´s was already shorter in elements than the one my nephew has been using now. But imagine, what those unknown materials and odours could mean for those who, full of unawareness, have met them?   

I had some contact with magic and esoteric practises and I read a lot about Spiritualism, something about Buddhism and it is worthless talking about Judaism. I am son of Yemanja with Ogun, Gemini by the solar horoscope and Pig by the Chinese one. I read Taro and on my strongest days in the past I’ve done some card reading using an English deck!

I believe that the material and energetic world retains thousands of secrets and keys we haven’t seen, found or understood yet. Quantum Physics is a small baby comparing to mathematics age. Somehow, I found peace in the fact that I am living in the era where we are, as we have always been, surrounded by the limits of our present evolution. Unfortunately, common sense, some groups, and even entire societies they take out of hypothetical thoughts, short explanations, and theories the comfort their souls need, exactly as their ancestors needed in order to go through devastations as El Niño or even plagues as the red or black ones.   

This look upon History, upon our entire trajectory, and also for have watched tones of National Geographic Channel, makes me realize that we are the only living creatures disconnected from our biologic nature, from the planet, and the cosmos. We do insist in keep living around active volcanos or above seismic cracks when we know by fact that someday, any day, things may run badly. We are also the only homothermous stubborn specie living immersed in ice or caved in into a desert!     

Every year, hundreds and hundreds of different species they cross over the planet running away from cold or seeking food or just for procreation. They are amazing beings fully equipped with natural-organic radars, sonars, censorial lines, thermostats and GPS, but if a human being says he had a feeling, foreseen something or predicted whatever, he is medicated and people around this person may show some ostracism because, after all, schizophrenia is some serious and, for some misinformed, dangerous decease! Halooooooo? 

In my point of view, we get this all so very wrong. Think about it, how much more healthy it would be if you had free mornings instead of free nights? Having some quality sun light bursting you out with vitamin D in a blue sky after you and your partner and child had taken the breakfast together! You all could even get lunch together, enjoying the day, before starting the work, school or even housekeeping! At night, instead of getting fat in front a TV doing nothing we would do a light meal, shower, and bed! Renovating for one more gorgeous day surrounded by those you love most in the sun!

We are simply victims of our own evolving trajectory regarding decisions, social organizations, schemes, and structure of how we solve the needs of managing life under the most stupid and useless rules and beliefs in the past 5000 years. Let’s agree upon this, that a little help from a god was very welcome and helpful.

So, living in a world where approximately 98% of people believe in God, you might be wondering, how does he do?

Well, finding myself gay in the middle of a South American dictator country has provided me lots of practice in how to survive under a disguise (LOL). But I just don’t have any Tudor tendency to fight against a whole belief to change it, break up with it, or even to establish another new one based on mine. I don’t mind and I don’t feel bothered by any belief and in fact, I have a profound respect and sense of understanding regarding the need of having it and I also recognize the benefits some of those religious movements may bring to one’s life. 

I am fascinated by human nature and human behaviour and I feel myself part of a system as important as water and wind for the creation of Grand Canyon. I enjoy being alive and I am sure there are millions of opportunities ahead and that fills my spirit with expectation and hope and that nurtures my soul.

I do not care about the mysteries we just cannot explain but I will not reject what I can feel. Humans are living longer and so, brand new aspects of our physique are coming up revealing things, confirming knowledge but also, putting down old, once, certainties.

At last, when I look over my lack of faith, I found how I behave to myself and in life and to others and then, I dare to say that I live much more like a Christian than those who cross their chest passing by a church. I see myself as a person with an active spirit and vibrant soul. Even though a strange version of myself still needing some ‘divine intervention’ regarding the falling in love issue. But please, do not feel sorry for me. I am fine.

I believe all of you will have a nice week.

Eduardo Divério 

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